Helpful Relatives

I posted this on an industry forum. But then, I thought, what good is it there if the people I wanted to share it with most don’t see it? John ———————————– General Discussion (6m) – Helpful Relatives I don’t want anyone to take this the wrong way, but I’m a little curious: how may people […]

Dork Store Update

OK, the DORK STORE is slowly getting back into shape. Finally up are the near-complete set of Apples to Apples products, a very nearly up-to-date selection of Dork Tower comic books (only the Swimsuit Special is missing) and some cool T-shirts and stuff…not least of which are the much-demanded Perky Goth T-shirt in BLACK, and […]

Back from Seattle

I’m back from a brief trip to Seattle, to visit friends at Cheapass Games and Wizards of the Coast. It was a spectacular time, and ended with a wonderful trip to the Chateau Ste. Michelle winery with Dragon magazine Editor Dave Gross and his terribly significant and utterly charming other, Barb. Well, a winery and […]

Douglas Adams

I met Douglas Adams once, in 1981. He was signing books and cassettes of The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy at the Forbidden Planet, when it was just a small store on London’s Denmark Street. I was studying Astrophysics at Queen Mary College, University of London (a vital course for anyone wishing to seriously pursue […]

A Very Dorky Interview!

In a fit of dubious taste, posted a spotlight interview with me today. It’s kind of long. Hope you can keep awake through it: may01/dorks/ My German Adventure: As some of you know, I’ve recently returned from Hannover Spielt in Germany, a very cool covention that, again in a fit of dubious taste, […]


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