Busy, busy world…

Sorry there haven’t been many updates on my life and work here recently. Just been a bit swamped, folks…

I lost a couple of week’s of good work due to the stomach flu. And this is no time to take off from work.

Now I’m panicking as it nears time for me to leave for another British convention. (Because of the work…not because of the Brits…)

It’s Birmingham’s DUDLEY BUG BALL (May 11, 12)
Guests of honor: John Kovalic (Dork Storm Press), James Ernest (Cheapass Games), Ed Simbalist (Chivalry and Sorcery).
Venue: Hilton Metropole, Birmingham, Near the NEC (see below)

Be there! Be there! Be there!

Also on the dock were/are:

* Snapdragons (first appearance: Dork Tower #9), the comic strip I draw with Liz Rathke, will become its own quarterly comic book, launching this summer. Full press release to follow soon.

* Dork Tower #18 should be off to press this week. I’m REALLY excited about this one.

* Lots of cool new Out of the Box games in the works. Squint; Gold Digger; Wheedle. Squint, in particular, I predict will do Apples to Apples like numbers.

* Plus Star Munchkin and Munchkin D20 from SJG.

* Plus the SUPER SECRET project I can’t talk about because of the non-disclosure agreement. But it’s SO way cool, you’ll love it when it’s announced.

* I’m also working with New Line Cinema to create some Dork Tower stuff for the upcoming Two Towers junkets. (Yes, they’re fans of the strip over there, which is majorly cool).

* The Star Wars folks are also cool to the max, and continue to run my comics in Star Wars Insider.

* Rich Koslowski’s The 3 Geeks will join Dork Tower for backup stories in Dork Tower #19 and 20! They’ll be taking Artesia’s spot. Both Artesia and The 3 Geeks may make return appearances. I hope they do. I *LOVE* the comics.

* The Chicago Sun-Times wants me to do some more work for them.

So I missed today’s and last Friday’s and Monday’s strips online at dorktower.com. Gaaah! I hope the above constitutes an acceptable excuse. But a new strip is up today and normal Monday/Wednesday/Friday service should resume ASAP.


Panic, panic.

Tons of great stuff going on. Just not enough time…

Anyway, there’s some great news that *hasn’t* eaten away from my time that I almost forgot to share:

* ORIGINS AWARDS: Dork Tower is up for two origins awards. Other projects I worked on are up for four others as well. Here’s the list.

Best Professional Game Periodical
Dork Tower – Dork Storm Press

Best Illustration
Dork Shadows: cover – Dork Storm Press

Best Card Game Expansion or Supplement
Apples to Apples Expansion Set 3 – Out of the Box Publishing, Inc.
Chez Geek 2: Slack Attack – Steve Jackson Games
Chez Geek 3: Block Party – Steve Jackson Games

Best Traditional Card Game
Munchkin – Stave Jackson Games

Public voting begins soon. I’ll alert people as to when it opens on http://www.aagad.org/originsawards/

*ALEX ROBINSON: My good friend and all-around amazing cartoonist is up for *another* Eisner Award this year for the Box Office Poison trade paperback, available from Top Shelf publishing. Huzzah! http://members.aol.com/bopalex/ is where you can read all about it!

*STEVE MARMEL: A close friend of mine since college, and a founding member of the Army of Dorkness, Steve will be on the Politically Correct talk show tonight (Wednesday). Check your local listings. His very own talk show, Pop Across America, is also winding down its latest season, but you can still catch it this week on TNN. Go to http://www.marmel.com for more info.

* LOWELL CUNNINGHAM: Almost overlooked in all the Star Wars/Spider Man summer movie hype is Men In Black II. It should be a great film, and I’m proud to say Lowell, the comic’s creator, is a friend and supporter of Dork Tower. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/meninblack/ has the details.

So everybody support these folks. Not only are they terrific creators, they’re great people.



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