Kobolds Drank My Warpcon

The Warpcon 2006 logo for the T-shirts is done! Huzzah! Huzzah!

With Louisa Marie waiting in the wings, this will be the last con I do for quite some time. (I may make an appearance at the GAMA Trade Show, but that’s a different beast entirely).

After Warpcon, I’ll be taking much of the year off, to be with family.

What a way to finish up for a while, though!

With luck, my first con following the break will be Dragonmeet 2006.

What a way to return!



I need to get a photo up of the “+10 Blanket of Kobold Protection” that Nichole Rasmus (wife of JonMichael, of Cineplexity fame) knit up for Louisa Marie, but it’s incredibly cool!


And in other Kobolds news, we just found out that KAMB: SDE made the bestsellers list over at Hobbymasters in Red Bank, New Jersey.

We haven’t had huge amounts of news on sales, but what’s come in has been very good indeed.


There will be an eight-page (!) Kobold supplement in Dork Tower #33: The Slayers Guide to Chickens!

We’ll be trying to insert eight pages of all-new Kobolds material in every issue of Dork Tower, from here on out. These will be extra, added pages, and will not take away from the usual DT content.

They can also be removed from the comic and discarded, should you wish. But Chris and Dan, the Evil Wizards of 9th Level Games, are coming up with some really, really great stuff.


In yet MORE Koboldy news, Belgian readers Lieve and Ben sent me a very lovely note:

I am well aware of the fact that you must be a very, very busy man and that you probably get a thousand simular e-mails each day, but still, I’ll feel better knowing I asked: my boyfriend and I are having a baby in 2-3 weeks and we were wondering if it would be ok for us to use some of your art to create an original birth card?

I’m not entirely sure why anyone would want a “Kobolds Ate My Baby kobold for a birth announcement, but it’s a nifty thought. And a first, for my darling little monsters.



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