Thursday Morning Mish-Mash


As is the Paizo Publishing Limited Edition Angry My Little Cthulhu!

They should all be shipping soon. Say, a week to get to distributors, and a week to get from there to shops. Ish.


Also good news: ALL the “10 Days” series are off to press again, with new, larger, cooler boards! And yes, that means the brand-new 10 Days in Asia, too.

The “10 Days” series is one of my very favorite things we do here at Out of the Box, and I can’t wait to see the new printings. And NOT because they look utterly like anything else I’ve ever done, art-wise (though that is nifty). I just think the games rock on toast.

They should be back in six weeks or so, so we should just make the con season for them.


In other Out of the Box news, I found this post on, about Cineplexity:

I’m not sure how this is doing in the rest of the country; but here in Madison Wisconsin (out of the box is located in Wisconsin), it is hard to find a copy. I stopped by Pegasus games last Saturday to try and pick this up; but they were sold out. They had said they ordered another 12 copies, which should be in by the end of the week; but then the clerk said those copies have all been spoken for as well.

I was lucky enough to have received a copy for my birthday, from someone who has obviously better planning skills than me and must have pre-ordered or something.

Any word on whether Cineplexity’s easy to find around the country?


I was reading a December 2003 interview with Clotaire Rapaille at the Frontline website. Interesting piece about marketing and such.

I just found his closing example really remarkable (by the way, “Cheese Death” statistics seem remarkably hard to find on the ‘net…), but the last line is just great: “The French like the taste before safety. Americans want safety before the taste.”

Cheese geek. Me. Yeah.

Give me unpasteurized cheese or give me death! Or perhaps both, at the same time. In other words…

“Those who would give up Essential Taste to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Taste nor Safety.”

I think Franklin said that. Yeah. That’s it…

And the codes can be translated into practical marketing strategies?

Yes, and those can be, of course, translated into how to address the real needs of the consumer, which means marketing practice and marketing strategies. For example, if I know that in America the cheese is dead, which means is pasteurized, which means legally dead and scientifically dead, and we don’t want any cheese that is alive, then I have to put that up front. I have to say this cheese is safe, is pasteurized, is wrapped up in plastic. I know that plastic is a body bag. You can put it in the fridge. I know the fridge is the morgue; that’s where you put the dead bodies. And so once you know that, this is the way you market cheese in America.

I started working with a French company in America, and they were trying to sell French cheese to the Americans. And they didn’t understand, because in France the cheese is alive, which means that you can buy it young, mature or old, and that’s why you have to read the age of the cheese when you go to buy the cheese. So you smell, you touch, you poke. If you need cheese for today, you want to buy a mature cheese. If you want cheese for next week, you buy a young cheese. And when you buy young cheese for next week, you go home, [but] you never put the cheese in the refrigerator, because you don’t put your cat in the refrigerator. It’s the same; it’s alive. We are very afraid of getting sick with cheese. By the way, more French people die eating cheese than Americans die. But the priority is different; the logic of emotion is different. The French like the taste before safety. Americans want safety before the taste.


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