Cineplexity is IN DA HOUSE!

…and available to order from the warehouse NOW! Huzzah! It should be in stores in a few weeks. SUPER SPECIAL HAPPY GO HOUR BONUS: The first printing of the game (the “Premier Edition”) has 200 EXTRA Cineplexity cards free, in the game. (The Premier edition has 500 cards. The regular edition will have more than […]

…and in Dr. Blink news…

Dr. Blink: Superhero Shrink – Id, Ego, Superego, is in da house. It should be in stores now. Next week or so, at the latest. Honestly, I’m thrilled and petrified by this. Thrilled, because this is some of the best writing I feel I’ve ever done. C’mon. You guys know how hard I am on […]

Jetlag-1, John-0

Jetlag is becoming a distant memory. My goodness, but it’s taken me a while to get over it this time. Will try to post a Warpcon report, though much of it, I fear, would be on a certain case of food poisoning a certain cartoonist got after a certain ill-advised chicken sandwich Friday night. HUGE […]


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