Breaking Radio Silence

Anybody have a Secret Power that could get me in a position to have a picture taken with Jemaine at Sunday’s Flight of the Conchords show in Milwaukee?

It’s be a hoot. Plus, there’d be much Dork Tower goodness in it for you, if you can do it.

Separated at birth. Well, birth plus ten years…


Things have been quiet on the Casa De Muskrat Interwebs, for some good reasons (and a few less good, but there you go).

Judith and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary this past weekend, with a short trip to Kohler, WI. It’s an odd little holiday town, and pleasant as all get-out. Few cities in the world can claim to be top-flight resorts, built with the riches only the bathroom plumbing supply industry can accumulate.

Yes, Kohler is the home of Kohler Kicthen and Bath, But Mostly Bath, Inc. Judith uncovered a bargain stay at the usually exclusive American Club, and — for a short time, anyway — we lived like kings. Or at least Toilet Magnates. Which is better than Refrigerator Magnates any day.

Anyway, upon returning to Muskrat Central, I leapt right into a full-day Out of the Box meeting. It was exhausting, but as always somewhat exhilarating. It looks like OTB will be producing another game I designed: a party game that’s been playtesting shockingly well. I’ll run it by a few more local groups before seeking outside playtesters. But, fingers crossed, I think this has the potential to go really well. The concept is simple, the rules are straightforward, and I’m not sure anything like it has quite been done before.

In the mean time, after two brilliant weekend concerts in a row (Kids in the Hall and Jonathan Coulton (who’s just a terrific guy, by the way, on top of being embarasingly talented)), we’ve got a third show, this Sunday.

I utterly surprised the Lovely and Talented Judith on our anniversary, getting her Flight of the Conchords tickets for their Milwaukee show. She had no idea they were on tour, let alone they would be so close to home.

Actually scoring the tickets meant getting on a special mailing list that then gave you a secret password to let you bribe your way onto a web site that let you press buttons frantically at noon the day before tickets went on sale to the general public. Get yourself a ticket, go through the gate. At seven forty-five precisely, don’t be late If anybody follows don’t hesitate: Keep on walking.

The show sold out in some insanely short period of time, so although our seats aren’t the best in the house, I’m just glad we’ll be there. And Judith is over the moon.

Now to see how many Conchords fans think I’m somehow related to Jemaine, come Sunday.



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