The Games (Almost) 100

The sketch from whence this weeks’ strips sprung. Plus Jervis Johnson’s e-mail. Meaning I must have had this idea sometime during last Warpcon.

I wonder how it would have differed if I’d written the series back then. Behind it you can see the sketch for one of the Guitar Hero strips I did a few months back…


I’ve got a great story about performing in Waiting for Godot, for a director now considered to be the wunderkind of British Theatre. But I shall leave that for when I have slightly less work.


Speaking of Existentialist Crises…

OK. I missed a few games that I’d consider major and semi-major releases, such as Apples to Apples British Isles, Apples to Apples Biblical (looooong story behind that one), Wild Side, Basari, Dork Frag and a couple of games from Dragon Magazine.

So right now, the Official List is standing at 94 games.

Meaning, at some point in the next year, if I keep on schedule, I should reach 100 games.

This, frankly, freaks me out a little.


10 Days in Africa (Out of the Box)
10 Days in the USA (Out of the Box)
10 Days in Asia (Out of the Box)
10 Days In Europe( Out of the Box)
Abandon Ship (Dragon Magazine)
aBRIDGEd (Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples Party Box/Crate (Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples Expansion Box 1 (Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples Expansion Box 2 (Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples Jr. (Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples Jr 8+ (Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples Biblical (Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples British Islands Out of the Box)
Apples to Apples British Islands, Jr. (Out of the Box)
Backseat Drawing (Out of the Box)
Basari (Out of the Box)
Blink (Out of the Box)
Bosworth (Out of the Box)
Button Men: Dork Victory (Cheapass Games)
Chain Game(Out of the Box)
Chez Dork (Steve Jackson Games)
Chez Geek (Steve Jackson Games)
Chez Geek II (Steve Jackson Games)
Chez Geek III (Steve Jackson Games)
Chez Goth (Steve Jackson Games)
Chez Greek (Steve Jackson Games)
Chez Grunt (Steve Jackson Games)
Cineplexity(Out of the Box)
Cloud 9 (Out of the Box)
CoverUp (Out of the Box)
Creatures and Cultists
Creepyfreaks (WizKids)
Dead and Breakfast (Dragon Magazine)
Dork Frag (Steve Jackson Games)
Dork 20 (Atlas)
Dork Tower: The Boardgame (Steve Jackson Games)
Dungeonville (Z-Man Games)
Easy Come, Easy Go (Out of the Box)
Escape From Elba (Cheapass Games)
Fish Eat Fish (Ou (Out of the Box)t of the Box)
Gold Digger (Out of the Box)
Illuminati: New World Order (Steve Jackson Games)
INWO: Assassins (Steve Jackson Games)
Kobolds Ate My Baby (Ninth Level Games)
Kobolds Ate My Baby Super Deluxx Edition (Dork Storm Press)
Letter Flip (Out of the Box)
Letter Roll (Out of the Box)
Mag*Blast 3rd Edition (Fantasy Flight)
MixUp (Out of the Box)
Munchkin (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin II (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin III (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin IV (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin V (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin VI (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Bites (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Bites II (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Blender (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Booty (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Cthulhu (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Cthulhu II (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Cursed Deck Demo (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin D20 (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Dice (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Impossible (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Stacked Deck Demo (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin, Star (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin, Star II (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin, Super (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin, Super II (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin, The Good The Bad and (Steve Jackson Games)
Munchkin Quest (Steve Jackson Games)
My Dwarfs Fly (Pegasus Spiel)
My Word! (Out of the Box)
Ninja Versus Ninja (Out of the Box)
Party Pooper (Out of the Box)
Pepper (Out of the Box)
PokeTHULHU RPG (Dork Storm Press)
Quitch (Out of the Box)
Revolver (Ronin Arts)
Rock (Out of the Box)
ShapeUp (Out of the Box)
ShipWrecked (Out of the Box)
Snorta (Out of the Box)
Squint (Out of the Box)
Squint Jr. (Out of the Box)
Tutankhamen (Out of the Box)
Wallamoppi (Out of the Box)
Warhamster Rally (Jolly Roger)
Whad’Ya Know (Out of the Box)
Wheedle (Out of the Box)
Wild Side (Out of the Box)
ZenBenders – Dragon (Out of the Box)
ZenBenders – Dog (Out of the Box)
ZenBenders – Racetrack (Out of the Box)

By the way, anyone remember that Pirate game I did for Dragon? I loved that art (which, sadly, seems to have been stolen), but cannot for the life of me remember the name of the game…

EDIT: It was “Abandon Ship.” Damn, I loved the art for that one. A nice, double-spread pirate ship, going down…


Speaking of Dragon Magazine…just some miscellaneous art I stumbled across that I’d forgotten about.



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