A Remembrance of Things Post, II

The house is a bit of a mess at the moment. When I say “the house,” I mean “My office,” as I’m getting some shelving put up to try and get a bit more organized.When I say “a bit of a mess,” I mean “OH MY GOD! IS THAT THING MOVING?”” So, more detritus from […]

My Little Fan Art

Could the chap who won the “Become a Little Victim for Mr. Azathoth” at Warpcon’s charity auction, or anyone who knows him, kindly contact me? I’ve lost his e-mail address, and I need a photo ASAP… **** Guess what I’m starting the card art for today? Yes, this: ARRRRRRRRRRRRR! **** When the “Fan Art” page […]

A Rememberance of Things Post

Short of taking up arms and going to war, one of life’s most frightening prospects must surely be going through old boxes of your stuff from when you were a kid. I mean, school reports from first grade through college; birthday cards from dearly missed grandparents; the very first cartoons you ever drew; congratulations cards […]


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