Coming Up For jetlagged Air

Jetlagged, and with a small cold after being in Cork and London. Didn’t do much in London, save hang out with the family as my Dad was having surgery (which he’s come through with flying colors, so, yay). Saw the Carl Rosa Opera Company’s terrific Mikado at the Gielgud theater on Shaftsbury Avenue, and hit […]

Warpcon 2008. Sadly, now history.

Back now, after having an amazing time at Warpcon. Yeah. Much Warpconniness to talk about. Particularly geeked out about meeting Jervis Johnson, he who created mother-flipping BLOOD BOWL (and much other Games Workshoppy goodness). But now, must collapse in a heap after waking up at 5 am to catch a plane at 7 am, and […]

The Sporting Life

We should be landing in Cork riiiiiiight about….NOW. (John looks ’round, side to side). Um… Um… Nope. We’re still in Madison. I had great flights booked, for yesterday.. Get a full day’s work in, leave Madison at 7 pm, fly out of Chicago 10 pm, fly out of London 2 pm the next day. No […]


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