MisCon and Beyond

Here are some of the panels I’ll be on at MisCon. Unfortunately, I won’t be at the con on Monday, but Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be chock-full of Muskratty goodness:

Blending and Shading
Proper blending and shading is essential part of making your art look realistic. Panelists will discuss various media.

Cartooning as Art
How is cartooning an art form? Going from line art to a digital file, to publishing it online, how does it differ from traditional artwork. Tell the process and details that go into cartooning.

Game Art
John’s worked with Munchkin and other games ~ He’ll us about it. Talk about designing, developing and having fun creating artwork for games!

Artist’s Workshop
John’ll be critiquing artwork submitted by attendees, answering questions about art and his profession.

Web Comics: The How & Why
John Kovalic and fellow web-comic artist Alina Pete will discuss how they started their web-comics, why they decided to do it and why they continue to do so.

What Were You Thinking
We’re asking all our Guests of Honor to answer questions about their work. We have attendees who will be bringing specific items and questions and presenting them to the guests.

Comic Books vs. Comic Strips
John Kovalic and fellow artists will discuss the major differences between published comic books and online/printed comic strips.


I’m feeling utterly overcommitted. I fear MisCon may be my last convention for quite a while…

No Origins, GenCon, CONvergence or Comicon. Need to take the summer off. As I just tweeted, I need to stay home and play with my baby girl, this summer. As it is, I barely see her for an hour after I come home from work, before her bedtime – and that’s not nearly enough. I need the weekends with her, too. Much travel these last two months have really hammered home how much I miss her when I’m away.

As far as Lucca and Warpcon go, I very much hope Louisa and Judith can come along to those…



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