MUSKRAT RAMBLINGS, Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Muskrat Ramblings
It’s a Wrap
posted by John

Blink CoverJust time for a couple of quick updates, in a desperate attempt to make sure there’s SOME blog-like material. I’m on a conference call now (DON’T TELL! DON’T TELL), and I think we all realize today’s entry won’t be up for a Webby award anytime soon, so, in brief:

Dr. Blink: Superhero Shrink is now available for download at, lovingly written by yours truly, drawn by the inestimable Christopher Jones, and inked and lettered by the inexplicable Melissa Kaercher! WOOOOOOT!

The Onion said, “Dr. Blink is a witty, fast-paced, intelligent spoof that pokes eruditely into superhero psyches.” The ONION, people! The ever-lovin’ ONION!

If you like Dork Tower, I sure hope you give Dr. Blink a try. I’m tremendously proud of it (indeed, I think the “Wonder Boy” story is the best thing I’ve ever written), and, noted here a few weeks before, TEAM BLINK IS WORKING ON ALL-NEW DR. BLINK MATERIAL NOW! (And I, of course, am busy as a beaver working on all-new Dork Tower comic books, too).


Also: a little hint as to something coming in October, from the great folks at Gaming Paper. (I love their stuff, by the way)

Christmas Dorks

What? You want MORE of a hint? OK:

wrapping paper

Last hint: the words “Wrapping” and “Paper” will be included in the product description.



Coming soon to a gaming store near you. Details as they become detailed.


By the way, several folks following me on Facebook and Twitter have asked for high-res images of the characters in their Christmas garb. So, if you want to make your own Christmas tags or cards. just click on the Muskrat below for a high-res jpg image.

Carson Linky


Phew. I don’t think the folks I’m on the conference call with have heard me typing yet.


Disappointing news: I won’t be making it to Essen this year, for Spiel. I’ll miss my many German friends, and I’ll also miss hanging out with my pulblishers Feder & Schwert and Pegasus Spiele. HOWEVER, Steve Jackson and I have discussed evil plans to go tyere together, next year, as part of Munchkin’s 10th anniversary celebrations.

Dorkstock VIIIOn the plus side, this means I will be at Rock-Con, and Dorkstock VIII, October 22nd-24th.

Rock-Con 2010 Game Fair is the Midwest’s premier regional gaming convention. This year we welcome you to celebrate Rock-Con’s 37th anniversary! The convention features historical and fantasy miniature gaming, collectible miniatures, role playing, collectible card and board gaming events covering the entire spectrum of adventure gaming!

Hope to see you there!

CRUD! They heard me typing!

OK…will do better next time.

Yer bestest pal forever,

====== John


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