

Remember THIS Dork Tower?

So, apparently, the BBC owns the trademark on Police Boxes, or somesuch. Meaning I can’t make anything with CthulWHO and the Police Box unless it’s licensed officially. Which seems like a bit of a long-shot, let’s be honest.

That being the case…how would you like a download of the CthulWHO poster, for FREE?

Because…here it is.

Clicking on the image below should download a high-res 8.5×11″ poster. If you have the right software, you should be able to blow it up even larger!

Super Happy Cthulhu Poster Fun Hour


In other CthulWHO news, Offworld Designs is doing a CthulWHO t-shirt (sans Police Box) that’s available now!

Super Happy Cthulhu T-shirt Fun Hour

Offworld Designs also did up a spiffy Your Dice Really Do Hate You t-shirt. IT IS AS IF THE HOLIDAYS WILL SOON BE HERE!

Super Happy Cthulhu T-shirt Fun Hour

In other YOUR DICE HATE YOU news (a sentence I never really thought I’d type), Game Trade Magazine will be bagging a full 16 x 20″ version of the poster with a future issue. Details on which issue once we nail down the details.



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