My friend Michael Webb is one of the finest people I know. Seriously. This is one very, very good human being. The sort of person we all wish we were, particularly when you wake up hung-over. Not that this has ever happened to me. Ever.

A good friend of Michael’s runs an orphanage in Haiti. Michael was recently over there, doing the sorts of things Very Good People do. The orphanage in the town of Minoterie, north of Port au Prince, by Titanyen. Michael describes the town as “pretty standard deep poverty for Haiti,”  with some industry (a flour mill and a rice processing plant), but also the crime, trafficking and prostitution that industry brings, over there.

Mike i Haiti

There are 20 children at the orphanage, ages 2-11. A couple of days ago, Michael posted this on his facebook page:

“Dear Facebook Friends,

If you are in a position to help make a difference – drop me an email. A dear friend in Haiti runs an orphanage, and they are in need of 2 water tanks for the building – see the picture here. Each runs ~$350USD. If you would be able to help – however much you could help – please drop me a private message on FB and I will put you in touch with my friend. Most of us are blessed with water that is clean, drinkable, and runs whenever we want it to. Many folks in the world are not. Any little bit helps.”

Mike i Haiti

I told him I’d see it got done.

12:29 PM UPDATE: WE GOT IT DONE! IN TEN MINUTES! YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING! Please keep giving, and all fund that come in today will go to the orphanage. But right now? I’m an emotional wreck. I’m so very, very grateful to have readers who are so amazing.

In the next hour, I want to harness the goodness of my readers, and buy these kids two water tanks so they can have clean water.

I’ll be collecting donations at my Paypal page – I’m just, there – and updating here to let folks know how it’s going.

I want this to be Flash Charity: quick in, quick out, money raised, kids helped.

ANY donation helps, to be honest. But to encourage larger donations, I’ve got a few packages to thank folks.

The $50 Level:  UPDATE: To the first ten people who donate $50 to the cause, I will send a hand-drawn Munchkin card.AND POSSIBLY OTHER THINGS.* 12:30 pm UPDATE: SOLD OUT. But I’ll honor all donations that were made before 12:30 pm. EVERYONE WHO DONATED AT THIS LEVEL BEFORE THEN GETS CARDS!

The $150 Level: To the first five people who donate at the $150 level, I will draw them, in Munchkin-style. They will get the original art, AND they will get a hand-drawn Munckin card, as well. AND MOST DEFINITELY OTHER THINGS.* UPDATE: SOLD OUT. But I’ll honor all donations that were made before 12:30 pm. EVERYONE WHO DONATED AT THIS LEVEL BEFORE THEN GETS CARICATURES AND CARDS!

But remember:the most important level is to give anything you can, at all. Even if it’s only a buck or two. It will be DEEPLY appreciated. Just go to Paypal, and seek out, there.

Now, as you may have noticed, the packages add up to MORE than $700. It’s $1,250, to be precise. Look, I don’t know if people are even gonna want these sketches and drawings, of if one level will be more popular that the other. If we do end up raising more, or if other smaller donations push us over the $700 goal, I’m pretty freaking positive an orphanage in Haiti Knows. How to. Use. The Money. So please, don’t let an arbitrary “two-water-tank” limit stop you from giving!

I’ll be updating this on my Facebook page and at my Twitter account. Contact me there, or at the Contact Page here, if you’ll be making a donation or have made a donation. I’ll make sure everyone gets a shout-out, unless you’d prefer to ba annonymous.

So let’s do this! Army of Dorkness, I’m relying on you being amazing.



* All drawings will most likely be doe in April, unless you’ve got an urgent – say – Birthday Present requirement or something. I will try and get to them sooner, but my schedule is really tight, at the moment, DARN YOU, MUNCHKIN PATHFINDER!!!!!!


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