This Sunday, I’ll be biking 70 miles in one day.
This is, in all honesty, insane. But I’m doing it for a good cause: Bike the Barns raises critical funds to support the Coalition’s Partner Shares Program, which brings fresh, healthy food from local farms to low-income families in our community. And folks have pledged VERY generously so far.
But going into the home-stretch, pledges have tapered off a bit. So, to try and make my $3,000 goal, here’s my promise to you.
If we hit the goal, I will cycle the entire 70 miles on Sunday with a Duck of Doom strapped to my helmet.
That’s right. A DUCK OF FREAKING DOOM. One of these!

On. My. Helmet. For SEVENTY FREAKING MILES. If pledges hit $3,000.
I’ve gotta be honest: I’m a bit worried about making this goal. It’s a very worthy charity, though. Just not a flashy one. So here’s two other things to sweeten your deal. Yours. Not mine. I’ve still gotta ride this sucker. But I digress. Your deal:
(1) Steve Jackson Games has officially given me the go-ahead to do this: everybody who pledges $10 or more can start their next game of Munchkin at LEVEL THREE! Monday after the race, I’ll make up certificates, and all you need do is drop me an e-mail for yours! I’ll pop it in the mail, and you can use it for any Munchkin or Munchkin Quest game you’d like! Signed by me and everything!
(2) Because we’ve already passed $2,000 in pledges, everybody gets a free downloadable coloring book, full of very geeky tdrawings I did for my daughter. Including Cthulhu, trick-or-treating. This will be set up with Drive Thru Comics soon after the ride. And ye, there will be Ducks.

So I really hope you considering supporting my “Tour De Duck” – more commonly known as Bike the Barns. Click here to get to my pledge page! Any donation helps! Any at all. And if you’ve ever enjoyed my comics online – which are free, and always will be, and which will be returning next week – think of this as a “Tip Jar” that goes to folks who could really use the help.
The cycling is gonna be tough, the duck will be…well. Not heavy. But certainly embarassing. Very, very embarrasing. Yet the pledging is easy! Please support my insane ride and the great cause behind it!
Thank you so much for your time and your support of local farms, food and families!