A lot of folks have been asking me to add a Dork Store to the website. And when I say “a lot of folks,” I mean my mom. And Business Manager Monica, although sometimes I get them confused. But selling things is important to Monica, because, let’s be frank: she doesn’t like being paid in used Munchkin t-shirts.
I haven’t had a proper store online in almost a decade. There are so many store options out there, any more, it’s all incredibly confusing. But I stumbled across the Society6 service the other day, and their quality seems to be pretty good. So to get the ball – any ball – rolling, I made up some posters. I may do up some other things as well – T-shirts, mugs, whatevs. Though their t-shirt offerings seem less flexible than Cafe Press’.
Heck, I may even go in a whole ‘nother direction, when all is said and done, and just have someone else create and handle the stuff.
But for now, I made some posters. And you can buy them.
For the love of god PLEASE buy them!
Um…I mean…I hope you like them.
As a bonus, it looks pretty easy to make posters from actual Dork Tower drips. At least the ones with the 2x2layouts. So if there’s particular strip you’d like in poster form, let me know. Swear on a stack of muskrats that you’ll buy one, and I’ll upload it to the store.
And by the way…I’m not sure how long this promotion will last, but right now there seems to be free shipping at Society6! So there’s that!
Why did I start off with posters? well, to be honest, they were the easiest. There’s very little decision-making that goes into creating a poster store beyond the “eh…I think this will look good on a poster” bit. So we’ll see where this leads, shall we? And if you have any ideas for anything you’d like to see on a DorkTower.com store site, please let me know!