ORIGINS GAME FAIR: My Obligatory Guest of Honor Post




Good. Coolcoolcool.

OriginsMe? I’m bouncing off the walls, at the moment. Because I’m packing for the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio, this weekend!

It’s a bit of an odd feeling, as I’ve not been to the show in seven or eight years, best as I can calculate.

I’ve always loved Origins, though – it was a perennial favorite of mine, while I was burning myself out on the con circuit those many years ago. So to be invited back at the Artist Guest of Honor is a huge deal, to me, and I’m all kinds of giddy about it. Many of my favorite memories from those years as a regular on the con circuit were forged at Origins, and many friends were made at the Big Bar on Two. Also, at the North Market. Looking at you, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream!

I’ll be at Origins Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (Sunday, being Fathers’ Day, I fly off home to be with my girls. I’d like to thank Origins for understanding how important being home on Fathers’ Day was to me).

I’m not sure what my official signing schedule will be, but for the most part, I’ll be hanging out at one of three booths:

  • STEVE JACKSON GAMES (Booth #201), because, aw c’mon. REASONS, guys! Though my only “official” signing time at the booth is 2 pm, Thursday, I should be far more frequently than that. I’ll also be a “Celebrity Diner” at the Munchkin Tavern at the Boulevard Bar at 7 pm Thursday! The Munchkin Tavern is a riot, if you’ve not been to it previously. Check out the web site to see how you could be my dining companion. Kick open the door, eat tasty food, and take Steve Jackson Games’ stuff!


  • CRYPTOZOIC (Booth #D201), where I’ll be playing and demoing the HECK out of both ROFL! and Double Feature, the new game I helped with. Not kidding, guys, I think Double Feature is the best movie game evar, and I’d love it if folks stopped by, and game it a go! And with ROFL! up for an Origins Award (SERIOUSLY! Wow! Wow! Wow!), I’d be thrilled if you stopped by and tried it. I’m proud as heck of this game!


  • 9th LEVEL GAMES (Booth #732), ALL HAIL KING TORG! This will mark the first signing I’ve done for Kobolds Ate My Baby: IN COLOR!!! since the Kickstarter. I was chuffed with how the book came out, and the all-new art in it. I may also be making an appearance at the Kobolds Ate My Baby MIDNIGHT MASSACRE, running from 8 pm Friday until 11-ish.

And then, of course, there are the Origins Awards themselves, Saturday night. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous as heck about ROFL! being up for Best Children’s, Family, or Party Game. Eeek! Eeek! Eeek! and other, manlier, expletives.


I’m less nervous about Dork Tower itself, up for another Origins Award, mostly because it’s up against the unstoppable juggernaut of brilliance, my pal Wil Wheaton’s TableTop, in the Best Game Related Publication category.

So anyway, I’ll try and post proper signing times and such here as I find them out. Pop back from time to time, won’t you?

And if you’re at the show, um, err, ahem…<shameless plug>vote ROFL!</shameless plug>

           — John


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