Here we go again.


J.R.R. Trolkin - a sample Munchkin legends piece of original art that YOU COULD OWN!
Here we go again….

Comics are up again.

Once more, for emphasis: COMICS ARE UP, AGAIN!

There’s a longer post, somewhere, going into the explanation behind the half-year Dork Tower semi-hiatus. Long story short: Life Happened. So a series about Gilly’s Wedding that was supposed to take four to six weeks ended up spread over six months.

I’m gonna ramble a bit here. OK. A lot. Please bear with me.

I always feel like part of me is missing, when I’m not making Dork Tower. And even though life gets easier when I’m not doing the strip, and I’m not trying to cram so much stuff into the day, I’m not as happy.

Not by a long shot.

So the plan is, I’m going to try and get at least two new strips a week up, through the rest of July or August. Then I hope to move back to at least three a week after that. This is me, getting back into the swing of things. God willing and the creek don’t rise.

Actually, that’s not really the plan. The plan is, to try and start doing it right, again.

Long-term blueprints are the works. I’ve built up a reserve of three weeks’ worth of new strips, should more emergencies pop up. Also, I’m lining up some of my favorite cartoonists for Guest Weeks – one Guest Week to run every three months, hopefully giving me four weeks “vacation” a year.

The bottom line is: over the last two or three years, I believe I’ve been treating Dork Tower as a hobby (for reasons I’ll go into, in another post). I can’t do that, anymore. It’s not fair to Dork Tower, it’s not fair to you, and I feel like there’s a great big Muskrat-sized chunk of me that’s missing. I miss the gang.

I’m proud of the professionalism with which I approach Munchkin. With Munchkin, you see, it’s important to me to do my best work, and to get it in before deadline, no matter how insane the deadline may be.

And now, I’ve got to do the same for Dork Tower.

Over the last few months, as Life Happened, I’ve come to realize what my ideal workday would look like: creating Dork Tower in the mornings, drawing Munchkin in the afternoons, and making sure I’ve got time for things like Dr. Blink, Kobolds Ate My Baby, and the big ‘ol sandbox that is MY stuff – books, comics and game I created – once the main deadlines are done.

I need more time to read, and to paint miniatures, and to play games, and to ride bike, and just to decompress during my down-time, too.

(I’d say “I need more time to be with my family,” but that’s never been a problem. Family always comes first. Always.)

So what do I give up, to make more room for Dork Tower?

  1. NOT Munchkin. What, do I look like a crazy person? You have no idea how fun and fulfilling working on Munchkin is. So that just leaves:
  2. Other, non-Munchkin (gulp) paying gigs.

In fact, I just turned down a big, cool project. It felt odd. But it felt right. I need time again to treat Dork Tower like I treat Munchkin: it’s fun as hell, but it’s not a hobby. It’s a profession. It matters.

To that end, there’s some big news coming, too, on a few fronts. Plans. Schemes. Shenanigans. Hilarity.

It’s scary. But it’s thrilling.

Things are in the works.

Don’t wanna over-promise. Taking baby steps, here. But two strips up this week, with a third on the way, and I feel good.

Hell, I feel terrific. I’m loving this.

Not gonna lie: as these plans progress, I’m gonna need help from you guys, the Army of Dorkness. I’ll need help getting the word out, shouting it to the skies! Telling it to the Hillfolk! Or at least an RT.

Buddy, can ya spare an RT?

Thanks for sticking with Dork Tower, though. It means the world to me.

Again: don’t wanna overpromise. But I think the coming ride will be fun. I hope you enjoy it.

I sure plan to.


IN OTHER NEWS: Badges for Gamehole Con, where I and literally (figuratively) a metric spitload of my friends will be guests, are on sale now.

No. Seriously. Check out the guest list. It’s figuratively (literally) amazing.

Give a hoot! Come to Gamehole Con!


Anyway, right now, buying a badge to GameHole Con is the only guaranteed way you can get this Owlbear plushie I designed. Proceeds go to the great folks at Worldbuilders.

There may be more ways to get one in the future. But why risk it? Come to an amazing con, and waltz off with my little friend!


IN OTHER OTHER NEWS: The limited-edition Munchkin postcards for folks who supported my Tour De Cure charity bike ride in may are now off to press. They look nifty!


In case you missed snagging one, don’t worry: the BIG bike ride (you know, John’s Insane Charity Ride Part III) is coming up in September! I’ll have new postcards for that, as well as literally (figuratively) a metric spitload of other cool give-aways, and more chances to win original Munchkin art!




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