BIKING MORE BARNS! Here we go again!


IMG_1444 (2)HERE WE GO AGAIN! It’s the 9th Annual Bike the Barns ride!

Bike the Barn supports FairShare’s Partner Shares program, bringing fresh, organic food from local farms to low-income families in our community.

But look – here’s the think: I’m REALLY scared about raising $10,000 for this, this year. This is a huge sum – the highest I’ve ever set for myself. I mean, it’s terrifying. EEK! EEK! EEK! That’s a huge amount of great food I’m claiming we can get to low income families. BUT I BELIEVE WE CAN DO IT!

Pledging is fast and easy; please support my ride and this great cause! Also, there’s EVEN MORE LOOT, this year!

Pledge to me, though, and here’s what you can get:

  1. ANY and EVERY pledge will get a pdf of the limerick Neil Gaiman created for the ride last year, illustrated by me. PLUS, a copy of the updated EMBRACE THE SQUEE charity coloring book.
  2. Any pledge $20 or more gets a brand-new MUNCHKIN CHARITY POSTCARD! This will be created specifically for this donors of this ride, and will let you start one game of Munchkin at Level 3!
  3. Any pledge $50 or more will get all of the above, and an ARMY OF DORKNESS Sargeant button!
  4. Any pledge of $100 or more will get all of the above, and a LIMITED EDITION Tour De Duck cloisone pin! THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL! You will love them! Also, an actual honest-to-goodness physical print of the Neil Gaiman Tour De Duck limerick!
  5. Any pledge of $200 or more will get all of the above, plus (wait for it…wait for it…) an ORIGINAL PIECE OF MUNCHKIN CARD ART. This is the only way you can get original Munchkin art. I don’t sell it. Not many people have it. But you can be one of life’s winners!
  6. The highest pledger gets the original art to the Munchkin Charity Postcard for this ride, as well as everything else.
  7. In addition, six folks who pledged at the lower levels will be selected at random to receive original Munchkin card art!

IMG_1437Look – there will be MORE cool stuff coming.. If we’re lucky enough to hit $5,000, $7,500 and $10,000, *everybody* who pledges will get something else really cool!


Should we pass the $10,000 goal, I’ll wear lots more embarassing stuff while I do the ride.

THE POINT BEING, I truly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress as I prepare to ride and continue raising funds to support this vital program, This is a long ride, and I may be doing it wearing ducks and tentacles and stuff, so I need to start training NOW!

Together with FairShare CSA Coalition, I am working to create a sustainable, local food system in Southern Wisconsin by supporting CSA farms and ensuring that fresh, local food is available to all.

Thank you so much for your time and your support of local farms, food and families!

Bike the Barns is a hugely important charity to me, and the Army of Darkness makes a giant inpact on the lives of many low-income families.

You guys rock, and I know you’ll be amazing again! PLEDGE HERE, AND PLEDGE OFTEN! Get your friends to pledge. RIDE ALONG WITH ME, if you want!




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