Insane Charity Bike Ride 2015: NOW UPDATED WITH MORE SWAG!



9afd230a-d547-41b7-8dde-ad5e464b252eA quick update:

With nine days to go, I’m amazed and delighted to say that you guys have raised 94% of the fundraising goal for my Insane Charity Bike Ride 2015 that I sort of feared might be impossible to hit!

Suffice to say, I’m pretty confident I’ll be wearing the duck, again.

This has been a busy summer, and I haven’t been able to update my Bike the Barns page often. Or at all. But – much like last year – some more cool swag got added to what I initially announced, for backers of my ride. Particularly at the $20 level. Not the least of which is a Munchkin bookmark both Steve Jackson and I will sign, as well as this lovely “Galactic Brewing” print that both Scott Johnson and I will sign.

THIS print:


So anyhow, here’s the full list of swag so far (more may yet be added):


Donate ANYTHING. Even the smallest amount you can afford will get you a PDF of the delightful Neil Gaiman limerick I’m illustrating, along with the updated EMBRACE THE SQUEE charity coloring book, now with new pages added! You’ll also get a chance to win one of five pieces of original Munchkin art!

$20 PLEDGE – OK – there’s so much cool swag at this level, I thought I should break it out. What you get (currently – more may be added later):

  1. A physical copy of the Neil Gaiman Tour De Duck limerick that I illustrated (GUYS!),
  2. The brand-new MUNCHKIN CHARITY POSTCARD, signed by me, created exclusively for this ride (the postcard that lets you start one game of Munchkin at level three. Three!)
  3. The “Galactic Brewing” mini-print, signed by both the incredible Scott Johnson, and me.
  4. A Munchkin bookmark, signed by both the brilliant Steve Jackson himself, and me.

$50 PLEDGE – all of the above, plus  the shiny ARMY OF DORKNESS Sergeant button! Your new position will come with privileges. Privileges I will come up with. Soon. But the button is cool. And you will be an official Sergeant in the Army of Dorkness!

$100 PLEDGE – all of the above, and a Limited Edition Tour De Duck 2015 cloisone pin! These will be really lovely!

$200 PLEDGE – all of the above, and an original piece of MUNCHKIN card art. This is the only way you can get Munchkin art. I don’t sell my originals – I only offer them during charity events like this very one! Not many people have original MUNCHKIN art…but you can be one of life’s winners!

And if you pledge $1,000 or more? Guess what? You get to make a Guest Appearance in a Dork Tower comic strip, along with the original art of that strip, you crazy, generous goof, you! As well as all of the above, of course (including the original MUNCHKIN art).


With luck, some of you are saying “sweeeeeeeet” right now, and looking for a DONATION LINK (hint hint hint hint).

Now, about that Munchkin art – here’s a photo of a few of the pieces I sent off, to supporters of a previous charity bike ride:


I only send pieces I really like – indeed, they’re some of my favorites.

No – really. I’ve actually been asked by galleries who deal in comic art if they could represent me. I’m not sure why selling originals is so odd, to me. But it is. However, using originals to help me fundraise for a local charity is another thing entirely!

So if you’ve ever wanted to own an original piece of Munchkin art, now’s the time. I won’t be doing this again until next year.

(And you guys are amazing, may I just add, here. Currently, the Army of Dorkness (YOU!) is responsible for nearly 50% of the funds raised for the Fair Share CSA Coalition, the good folks behind this event. They use the money raised to help low-income families get good, healthy food, straight from the farmers).


As we’re closing in on 100% of the fundraising goal, and I start getting fitted for a Duck on My Head, it’s probably not too silly to announce a couple of stretch goals.

  • If we hit $11,000, I will turn that Neil Gaiman limerick into its own mini-section of a brand-new coloring book, which everyone who donated any amount will get!
  • If we hit $12,000 I…I…well, there’s no getting around it. I shall again wear the Steve Jackson Games plush tentacles, along with the Duck of Doom, for the Insane Charity Bike Ride.
What you monsters made me wear last year.
What you monsters made me wear last year.

So there you have it. Updates. Anyway, I’m off for my longest practice-ride yet, now: 30 miles. I did a 17-miletwo days ago, and while the results weren’t great, well, they weren’t bad. I felt myself getting stronger and faster on every segment of the ride, and that’s a good sign.



If you look closely at that photo, though, you may note… I currently do not have a duck on my head.


You can change all that, by clicking here and donating!

– John



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