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I’m packing for Gen Con, and guess what’s going with me?

ALL THE 2015 BIKE THE BARNS SWAG, to be handed off to David Michael, Fulfillment Guru of the Gods (and of me).

It took a lot longer getting the swag out for last year’s ride than I’d hoped. Also, it’s pushed back fundraising for this year’s ride. There’s a little over a month and a half to go until…


Insane Charity Bike Ride 2016!

IMG_6189So…I’m panicking a bit, here. I’m also really out of shape this year, in part due to the surgery that also pushed back the fulfillment of last year’s ride’s swag.

But the charity is worth it: Bike the Barns supports FairShare’s Partner Shares program, bringing fresh, organic food from local farms to low-income families in our community.

Me? It’s gonna be a long, hilly ride. I’m pretty out of shape this year (surgery will do that), and I may be doing it with a duck on my head again. Or worse…


If we raise $7,500 for the ride…I wear the Duck of Doom on my helmet again for the entire ride.

If we raise $10,000…I wear the flippin‘ tentacles, too.

$15,000? That’s an insane amount. If we reach THAT, well, maybe I let that monster Andrew Hackard of Steve Jackson Games choose the next accoutrement. (Possibly I shouldn’t call him a monster if he’s choosing something embarrassing for me to wear on an Insane Charity Bike Ride).

Pledging is fast and easy; please support my ride and this great cause! I’m also trying to create the reward swag for this year’s ride NOW, so it can all go out as soon after the ride is over as possible. I’d love it if folks got their goodies in time for Christmas.

What’s new, this year? Last year’s Neil Gaiman Limerick mini-print was so popular, we’re doing it again this year…with PAT ROTHFUSS LIMERICKS! The big news? I’ll sign them all…but so will Pat Rothfuss!

So if you support me on an insane charity bike ride (60 VERY HILLY miles in one day, this year. UGH!), here’s the Swag 2016:

IMG_6182EVER pledges will get a pdf of the limerick Neil Gaiman created for the ride last year, as well as the Pat Rothfuss limericks, illustrated by me. PLUS, a pdf of the updated EMBRACE THE SQUEE charity coloring book, plus a pdf of the NEW “There Once Was a Mallard Named Mike” charity coloring book!

Any pledge of $20 or more gets a brand-new MUNCHKIN CHARITY POSTCARD! This will be created specifically for this donors of this ride, the fourth in a series. and will let you start one game of Munchkin at Level 3! These have become quite the collectors’ items, as they are totally official and totally only offered for these charity rides. Along with this, you get an ARMY OF DORKNESS Private button!

Any pledge $50 or more will get all of the above, and an ARMY OF DORKNESS Sergeant button! Also, an actual honest-to-goodness physical mini-print of the Pat Rothfuss Tour De Duck limerick, signed by both Pat and myself. But mostly PAT! Because PAT!

Any pledge of $100 or more will get all of the above, and a limited edition Tour De Duck cloisone pin! There’s a new one, this year, and it’s lovely!

Any pledge of $200 or more will get all of the above, plus (wait for it…wait for it…) an ORIGINAL PIECE OF MUNCHKIN CARD ART. This is the only way you can get original Munchkin art. I don’t sell it. Not many people have it. About 30 folks a year get one, for supporting this ride. But you too can be one of life’s winners!

Any pledge of $1000 or more, and you can gust-star in a DORK TOWER COMIC STRIP, as well as everything else up to this level!

And pledge $2,500? Well, I can’t say what JUST YET, but there’s potentially something very sweet coming down the line, if everything gets approved!

The highest pledger also gets the original art to the Munchkin Charity Postcard for this ride, as well as everything else in the respective bundles that apply.

In addition, ten folks who pledged at the lower levels will be selected at random to receive original Munchkin card art.

And as usual, more stuff will most likely be added to the swag pile as we go along.

You’re all brilliant and wonderful and generous and supportive.

Please pledge, if you can!

I’m gonna be in SO much hurt!

– John


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