Tao of Igor Update #2 – Mr. Igor’s Wild Ride


Well, we’re not even at the halfway point of the Tao of Igor Kickstarter campaign yet, and my goodness, we’re closing in on 200% funding!

Also? We hit four stretch goals! (Buttons? YES! Improved cover stock? YES! Army of Dorkness Certificates? YES! Wallpaper? The Obligatory Wallpaper? YES!)

With the Obligatory Wallpaper goal now in the rearview mirror, the next three to come are all pretty exciting to me: all will add physically to the final book, making the Tao of Igor a bigger and better book. 

  • If we hit $27,500, Dork Tower #34 (“A Brief History of gaming”) gets included in the collection.
  • At $30,000, we’ll be able to offer an optional, Kickstarter-exclusive hardcover edition of the Tao of Igor, that you can either upgrade to, or order as an add-on
  • And at $32,500, Dork Tower #35 (“Gift of the Mad Guys”) will be added, pushing the volume to over 200 pages!

We’ve also added an ARMY OF DORKNESS ARCHIVIST support  level, which include PDFs of the entire Dork Tower comic book run – and there was a ton of extra material in those comics: games, back-up srips, a Very Dorky Cookbook, and a lot more. (You can also order this as an add-on, after the campaign ends.)

And even though the graphics don’t mention it yet, all the PDFs will be included at the $500, $1500 and $2,000 ARMY OF DORKNESS GENERAL levels.

Beyond that? There’s some fun stuff lined up, oh, my yes. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. 

(Still – see all those rooms left to go on the Dungeon of Stretch Goals? I just had to ad a couple more, to be on the safe side.)

This is an insanely busy period for me, between the Tao of Igor, some massive Munchkin deadlines, and two big con appearances. But this was the window of opportunity that presented itself, and it’s sort of fun seeing just how crazy productive I can really be, when I set my mind to it.

Leading up to the Kickstarter, I made a few appearances on some pretty cool podcasts. In case you missed them, here they are:

COMICS COAST TO COAST (I love this show, but good gravy, listen to how nervous I was about the Kickstarter):


KEN AND ROBIN TALK ABOUT STUFF (One of my very favorite podcasts with two of my very favorite colleagues): 


THE MORNING STREAM EVENING EDITION (Scott Johnson and Brian Ibbott’s terrific podcast):


Anyway, the Tao of Igor campaign continues to be an absolutely amazing experience. You folks are fantstic, and I can’t believe I’m going to be putting out more Dork Tower books!

Yup – “Books,” plural. 

In the next year and beyond, I’d like to release out a collection (or two) of all the web strips that have never seen print. Not to mention a brand-new volume that takes the main comic book storyline further (oh, I have plans, I tell you), and then a 20th anniversary edition of the old collections, many of which have been out of print for years.

But first things first: there are still 17 days to go for the Tao of Igor campaign, and much more fun to be had!

I’m told that the way to end these Kickstarter Updates is with a Call to Action. But what can you do that you haven’t already done? Holy cats.

So…here it is – my Call to Action for you:


– John


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