Over the Garden Lunch Notes

Over the past many years, I’ve included a lunch note for Daughter, Age 13, when she goes off to school each day.

(Honestly, I’m delighted – if a bit surprised – that she still asks for them.)

Usually, these are directly tied to something she’s studying, or her current fandoms. The first two weeks of the semester, for example, I sketched out the 14 Doctors (she’s recently become heavily invested in Doctor Who, and in fact her Halloween costume is David Tenant’s mod tenth Doctor.)

However, it’s Halloween, and I want to share the joy that is OVER THE GARDEN WALL with everyone. Particularly those who’ve not seen it.

OVER THE GARDEN WALL is a ten-episode series from Cartoon Network that ran in 2014, and is currently available on several streaming services. TLDR: it is magic, and perfect Halloween-season viewing.

Daughter, then Age 12, discovered, and introduced it to Judith and me. We fell in love with it immediately: it’s quirky, creepy, loving, warm, and quite wonderful. It can get intense for really young kids, but it is pure bliss.

So once October came around, I turned to OTGW for her lunch notes.

They’re only quick lunch notes, but I had a hugely enjoyable time with them. Most are based around quotes from the show. I sketch them out in pencil on Post-It notes, then ink them using the same pens I’ll draw DORK TOWER with: Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pens (fine nib).

But, much like SONG OF THE SEA, OVER THE GARDEN WALL is most definitely Halloween-adjacent, and you should watch (or rewatch) it, if you get the chance!



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