TAO NOW – Sunday, 21 November

It’s been a weekend.

Saturday morning I had to catch a 7 am flight, to get me to Austin, TX, for the celebration of the life of my dear friend and colleague Andrew Hackard. I nearly missed my connecting flight, but the God of Travel was on my side, and I made it to town with time to spare.

It was a beautiful and hugely passionate ceremony. Fortunately, I was staying with my friends the Cargills, so I was able to return to their place and collapse, emotionally and physically, once it was over. Another friend turned up, and we talked until the night was close enough to kiss the dawn.

I did not take my laptop with me, but had my iPad Pro along, so I was able to work during the flights, and while at my friends’ place.

One of the last things I needed to do was make Stell’s Sabine Wren costume consistent.  It’s not in many scenes, but it’s important to get right. I never liked how I drew it for the book, but I was happy with its look in the recent DORK TOWER Halloween strips. So I was able to recolor it, and now that’s done.

Here’s a screen -cap from my iPad Pro, when it was a work in progress. TAO OF IGOR version on the left – the two Web strip samples on the right.

All comments are now in from the proofreaders, and it’s now time to make the corrections on pages 1-160, and send out the next batch for them to look at.

  • John

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