Want to play Dork Tower Frag, but don’t want to destroy your copy of Dork Tower 25? You can now download the Dork Tower Frag board HERE, thanks to those fine folks at Steve Jackson Games.

Football notwithstanding, I had a fun, exciting, productive weekend. Saturday night I went to the Cafe Monmartre to watch Freedy Johnston, who’s been playing Madison a few times a year for a few years.

It was a great couple of sets. Freedy is one of those compelling singer-songwriters that I just can’t get enough of, and if you ever get a chance to catch him live, make sure you do. His own material is amazingly eclectic and addictive, and he’s been know to sport a few fun covers from time to time.

Freedy’s also one-fifth of this amazing pick-up group called The Know It All Boyfriends, which includes Duke Erikson and butch Vig from Garbage. Although Duke and Butch weren’t at the show (as far as I could tell), two other Boyfriends (Jay Moran and Pie Cowan) were. They joined Freedy for his second set, which was composed ENTIRELY of some of the coolest covers I’ve ever heard.

I sat at a table at the back, coming up with the general outline for Dork Towers 28-31, some new T-shirt ideas, and an entire week’s worth of web ‘toons (today’s strip should be up around lunchtime, by the way). It may not have been Paris in the 20s, but finishing off a new strip for Scrye magazine, in a smokey bar, to a cool cover version of “Band On the Run,” is a great way to spend an evening!

And if Caryl is reading this, as God is my witness, we WILL all get together do Bjorn Again one day!



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