The Sell Sheet is done.
The second-to-last proofread is done.
The art is done.
This is starting to get VERY exciting, now…the guys at 9th level and I are having a bast with this…
And…Dork Tower 32 is off to press!
In no small thanks to Melissa Kaercher, who pulled a marathon coloring session when I realized there was no way I’d be able to do it in time. Pop over to her LJ and tell her she rocks. Because she does.
And I now owe her MUCH sushi.
This is a very different kind of Dork Tower, but comments from proofreaders have been great. PLUS, there’s a special, 12-page Snapdragons, in full color.
Forty pages in all. Mostly of comics. It ships October 3.
Bug your friendly neigborhood stores for it now!