April First

OK…the annual April Fool’s “Dork Mirror” series has started again.


PLUS, more April Fool Dorky goodness HERE


2:30 pm today.

Cineplexity. World Premier.

At the State Street Steep & Brew.

Not sure how many people will show up. Nor who will show up. Apparently there’s a chance a Big Name ™ might make it.

I’m too tired right now to get anxious about this. But there’ll be lots of prizes, and lots of fun. And the creators will be on hand. Huzzah!

No (April) foolin’…


Speaking of the Wisconsin Film Festival:

Caught “Lonesome Jim” yesterday at the Orpheum.

Really enjoyed it. Not a perfect movie, but the wit was really something special. For something that could have been bleak beyond despair, it was a really enjoyable time.


And but so…

Yesterday’s editorial cacrtoon for the Daily Reporter.

(Wisconsin-centric, so you’ve been warned).

Is there really a point to this? Just that I wanted to draw politicians as vermin.

Is that so wrong?

The nice thing about not being tied to a daily paper is that sometimes I can just do cartoons to amuse myself…



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