A very different comic was supposed to run yesterday. I very much wanted to spend this week finishing off a delightful project for a French tabletop company – a terrific new boardgame, from one of my favorite designers. So I had a backup DORK TOWER – one that ran in Game Trade Magazine, back in […]

TAO NOW – 27.12.21

Here’s where things are at: The last four pages should go to the proofreaders today. I need to finish the afterward today or tomorrow, as well as the “Thank You” page. I need to finish coloring he Sistine Pages in the next few days. Then the PDFs go off to the Kickstarter backers, and Matt- […]

TAO NOW – December 13, 2021

OK, I’ve been terrible at updating this work blog as often as I’d hoped, but I’ve been aces about actually getting work done every day, to finish up THE TAO OF IGOR. I’m back in the US, after ten days in London, mostly for my sister’s 50thy birthday. I accomplished a great deal on TAO […]

TAO NOW – Sunday, 28 November

So this last week encompassed the trip to Austin, my birthday, and  Thanksgiving with my brother’s family in St. Louis. I managed to get pretty good work done on all days save Thanksgiving itself. I honestly don’t mind working on my birthday, or holidays. I love cartooning. Anyway, work was accomplished six of the seven […]

TAO NOW – Thursday, Nov. 18

I’d forgotten I’d committed to taking over the Overture Center’s Instagram account, today, as I’ve got a piece in their “Everything Covid” exhibit. Less work done today than I’d hoped. Staying off the internet is usually a good thing. The first actual piece of work I managed to get to wasn’t until 11:30. My best […]


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