Sunday’s morning warm-up sketch: Minitaur. Possibly should be “Miniotaur.” Ah, well… Of possible minor interest: how closely I DO NOT follow my pencils, at times.
All blog posts (no comics)
Sunday’s morning warm-up sketch: Minitaur. Possibly should be “Miniotaur.” Ah, well… Of possible minor interest: how closely I DO NOT follow my pencils, at times.
Right. I’m back from ConQuest, which is an incredibly cool convention in Kansas City and also BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE. I hit Arthur Bryant’s, as everyone said I should, along with Gates Bar-B-Q, as almost everyone else said I should. In my downtime, I also had Chili from 1919. So I’m going vegetarian […]
My pal Brett Myers suggested this idea to me, a few years ago. I still love it, and I cry silent but tasty Foodie tears that the folks who make my T-shirts didn’t want to make it an actual, honest-to-goodness T-shirt-for-sale. I mean, c’mon! There MUST be ten or twelve people who are into Michael […]
All together now… ALL HAIL KING TORG! Believe it or not, I think this is only the second time I’ve drawn King Torg, that lovable, berserk bundle of orange brutality who leads the Kobolds through a cunning combination of violence, violence and more violence. Here’s the first drawing I did of him, from the Kobolds […]
NEW KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY ART? Why yes. Yes, please! Here’s a sample from the new game. I’m hoping this (with better colors) can be a full-page illo. (Click on the image to see the full-size version!) — John
It’s been my extraordinarily good fortune to work with some extraordinarily talented folks from time to time. Example: Last year, I was asked by Robin D. Laws to submit a contribution to The Lion and the Aardvark, a delightful little book from Stone Skin Press, collecting contemporary Aesopian fables. Working with Robin is always a […]
Apparently, I missed “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” this year. That’s OK, though.When your job is essentially a glorified version of Goofing Off, every day can be “Take Your Daughter to Work Day.” Still, “Can I be a cartoonist when I grow up?” Daughter, Age 4, will sometimes ask. Making me wonder where I […]
I should be in Hannover, right now, getting ready for the big 20th anniversary party of Hannover Spielt. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. Most of yesterday afternoon was spent at Dane County Regional Airport, watching the weather reports from Minneapolis and Detroit. It made for fine television, really. Much better than watching cable news […]
First off: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful Mother, who really is quite remarkable. (Her only real fault is having a birthday that falls on Tax Day here in the United States, but I blame that on the US government, which switched the day several decades ago.) Secondly: despite the danger of this blog turn […]
OK. If there’s a “Doctor Who Fans”/”Classic Bob Dylan Fans” Venn diagram, then at midnight, last night, it finally intersected – Population: me. I glanced at Bob Dylan’s Blonde on Blonde album, I got a stupid, stupid idea, and the above happened. At best – best – there are two things to take away […]
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