“Kitty Finds a Home” by Daughter, Age 5

Daughter, Age 5…Author! So the other day, sitting outside the Cafe Bavaria in downtown Wauwatosa, Daughter, Age 5, found a small notebook in her backpack. And she wanted us to make a book. Now, granted, Kid’s Washable Markers and 4″ tall notebooks are not generally my media of choice. But you come to a project with the materials you […]

Write a Book, Instead

Artist and writer Austin  Kleon really nailed the feeling of time spent on a smartphone, as opposed to time doing something fun, engaging, and rewarding – like reading a book. So he came up with this blunt, wonderful wallpaper for your iPhone. Go here to download your own copy! It works. That said, I felt I needed something a bit more proactive. And […]

Sweet Charity

Sweet Charity! Let’s talk charity, today. My basic belief is you can never do enough – but my limited organization skills seems to set their own goal posts. Fortunately, I have many kind and generous readers, who make up for it. So here are some quick updates on the various things I’ve been up to, that […]


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