Help keep DORK TOWER going – join our Patreon and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY! We have cookies!
Want this or any DORK TOWER strip as a signed, hight-quality print? Now available! LOOKIE HERE!
Help keep DORK TOWER going – join our Patreon and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY! We have cookies!
Want this or any DORK TOWER strip as a signed, hight-quality print? Now available! LOOKIE HERE!
Want this (or any) DORK TOWER strip as a signed, hight-quality print? YOU’RE JUST ONE CLICK AWAY!
DORK TOWER is updated three times a week, thanks to its generous PATREON supporters! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help!
There’s a DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, thanks its generous Patreon supporters. The next goal is four strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help us reach that! We have a ton of fun! Also: Igor Bars!
Support the DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, thanks its generous Patreon supporters. The next goal is four strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help us reach that! We have a ton of fun! Also: Igor Bars!
Please consider supporting the DORK TOWER PATREON – DORK TOWER is updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: you can help bring more DORK TOWER to the world! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today!
DORK ADDENDA – The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock may be my favorite poem. Go read and enjoy!
Muskrat Ramblings “REPEATS,” I repeat, are necessary evil. Let me REPEAT that… posted by John Argh! Argh! Nearly two months since I blogged about anything? Bloody hell. OK. Life’s been busy. VERY busy. But I’m working hard to get things back under control. Part of “Getting things back under control” means getting ahead on Dork […]
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