(Click on the comic or here for a larger version of it!)
(Originally published in DORK SIDE OF THE GOON (Amazon) (Drive Thru Comics))
Click on the comic above for a larger version of it!
Dork Tower is 15 years old! For the rest of the week, every digital comic at DriveThruComics.com is half price! There’s no better time to join the Army of Dorkness! Over the past two years, our friends at DriveThru have worked diligently to get the earlier comics and trades up. For the first time in […]
Thirty years ago, more or less, I drew my first true gaming comic. It was based on the little black books of the Traveller roleplaying game – my perenial favorite. I drew it for a ‘zine based in London, Alien Star. Alien Star was created by a chap who ran the Minifigs store near…um…Victoria, […]
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