Mallards and Unicorns and Conquest, OH MY!

Right. I’m back from ConQuest, which is an incredibly cool convention in Kansas City and also BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE BARBECUE. I hit Arthur Bryant’s, as everyone said I should, along with Gates Bar-B-Q, as almost everyone else said I should. In my downtime, I also had Chili from 1919. So I’m going vegetarian […]

Eat Brains, Shiny Venns and My ConQuest Schedule

My pal Brett Myers suggested this idea to me, a few years ago. I still love it, and I cry silent but tasty Foodie tears that the folks who make my T-shirts didn’t want to make it an actual, honest-to-goodness T-shirt-for-sale. I mean, c’mon! There MUST be ten or twelve people who are into Michael […]

Condescending Doctors and 2013’s Con Schedule

  First off: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful Mother, who really is quite remarkable. (Her only real fault is having a birthday that falls on Tax Day here in the United States, but I blame that on the US government, which switched the day several decades ago.) Secondly: despite the danger of this blog turn […]


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