A Cemetery in the Middle of Nowhere

It was a hot, sunny Sunday in Pierce County, Wisconsin – one of those places outsiders might think of as “the Middle of Nowhere,” but others call “home.” The unseasonable warmth made for a delightful kind of early summer day to bring flowers to the graves of relatives, if that’s your sort of thing. Judith and her sister are the sorts […]

Berkely Breathed Boycott Shenanigans

The other day, NPR’s “Fresh Air” featured an interview with Berkely Breathed, famed cartoonist and creator of Bloom County, one of the great comic strips of all time. The full interview can be found at at http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php Towards the end of the chat, Breathed touched on winning the Pulitzer Prize, and talked about coming to an Association […]


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