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Help keep DORK TOWER going! Join our Patreon community, and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY!
Want this or any DORK TOWER strip as a signed, hight-quality print? Now available! LOOKIE HERE!
Gene Wilder’s passing Struck me quite a bit harder than I thought it would. So on the spur of the moment, I drew this: Other people seemed to like it, so that was very nice. I didn’t have time to finish it off, but I now sort of want to work this up for the new Charity […]
Since talking about where I am, metaphorically, last Monday, this seems a good point to go over where I’ll be, literally, over the next few months. Mostly, I’ll be home, getting work done. Everyone’s happier, that way. But I will be popping over to a couple of conventions this summer and beyond. I had to turn down cons in Croatia […]
I regret to announce that I will not be making it to FanExpo in Toronto next month, after all. July was a hugely busy month, bookended by two massive shows, made awful by the passing of Judith’s mother. Indeed, I had to fly to Minneapolis directly from San Diego Comic Con to be by her side, […]
Apparently, I missed “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” this year. That’s OK, though.When your job is essentially a glorified version of Goofing Off, every day can be “Take Your Daughter to Work Day.” Still, “Can I be a cartoonist when I grow up?” Daughter, Age 4, will sometimes ask. Making me wonder where I […]
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