Super Sad Fun Hour

DORK ADDENDA: I’m traveling, so I have few of my materials with me, and no access to a scanner. However, I have my iPhone’s camera, and my sketchbook. And I felt like I needed to do this cartoon – for my own sanity – in this tragic and senseless time, if nothing else. So here it is.


As some of you kids may have heard, I had an eight-month-ish period where my wonderful business manager moved on to greener pastures, and I kinda went crazy, taking on far more work than any sane cartoonist should have. Yes, I used the words “sane” and “cartoonist” together. SHUT UP! The end result of this ridiculously overworked […]

The Throne of Gamers

HEY, EVERY GAME-STORE FOLKS and GAMERS EVERYWHERE! Remember this Dork Tower comic? Here’s something. FOR YOU! Click on the image to download a high-res copy of this “Throne of Gamers” sign, FOR YOUR VERY OWN GAME-STORE RESTROOM! EDIT: My great friend Mike Selinker came up with the line “Winter is Plumbing” after I used the line […]

ORIGINS GAME FAIR: My Obligatory Guest of Honor Post

  One last time: EVERYONE GOT THEIR CHARITY COLORING BOOKS BY NOW, right? Good. Coolcoolcool. Me? I’m bouncing off the walls, at the moment. Because I’m packing for the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio, this weekend! It’s a bit of an odd feeling, as I’ve not been to the show in seven or eight years, best as […]

IT MUST BE MINE: The Kids’ (Games) are Alright

The other day – and I’m about to do some serious name-dropping here – I had three friends in, from out of town. My pals Ken Hite and Wil Hindmarch (up from Chicago), along with Matt Forbeck (whom they picked up in Beloit, on the way). Cool, no? Right. I thought so too. BUT WAIT! It […]


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