Dork Tower – Where Do We Go From Here? A Psychological Selfie.

  “First Dork Tower in over two months,” noted one tweet, ecstatically, when today’s strip went up. Boy, oh boy, did I hate seeing that. I never meant to take time away from the strip. But things got busy this summer. Very busy. I mean, like “last five minutes of Iron Chef America, where the […]

Eat Brains, Shiny Venns and My ConQuest Schedule

My pal Brett Myers suggested this idea to me, a few years ago. I still love it, and I cry silent but tasty Foodie tears that the folks who make my T-shirts didn’t want to make it an actual, honest-to-goodness T-shirt-for-sale. I mean, c’mon! There MUST be ten or twelve people who are into Michael […]

Daddy-Daughter Monster Drawing Day, plus MUNCHKIN: The Book!

Apparently, I missed “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” this year. That’s OK, though.When your job is essentially a glorified version of Goofing Off, every day can be “Take Your Daughter to Work Day.” Still, “Can I be a cartoonist when I grow up?” Daughter, Age 4, will sometimes ask. Making me wonder where I […]

The Path to a Munchkin Pathfinder Cover

I should be in Hannover, right now, getting ready for the big 20th anniversary party of Hannover Spielt. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. Most of yesterday afternoon was spent at Dane County Regional Airport, watching the weather reports from Minneapolis and Detroit. It made for fine television, really. Much better than watching cable news […]

The Munchkin Cavalry is coming!

If you pop over to the Steve Jackson Games site, you’ll notice there is another big Munchkin release this month: The Good, The Bad and the Munchkin 2: Beating a Dead Horse. “What’s this?” you ask. To quote Steve Jackson Games: “A Horse Is A Horse . . . A corpse, of course! The rowdiest […]

EXCLUSIVE Sneak Peek at Munchkin 8 – Half Horse, Will Travel

So it’s a relatively well-known fact that I’ve illustrated more than 3,500 Munchkin cards over the last ten years – this breaks down to about a card a day. The latest expansion for the game system is (Drum-roll please: ta-DAH) Munchkin 8 – Half Horse, Will Travel, a brand-new 112-card set, and honestly, I think it’s my favorite […]

MUSKRAT RAMBLINGS, November 29, 2011

Muskrat Ramblings Fifteen Years and One Sketch Later… posted by John So I’m working on some art for the 15th anniversary of Dork Tower next year. But right now, it’s athe 10th anniversary of Munchkin. So I thought I’d do up some promotional cards and postcards and the like. Here’s the art: Dork Tower and […]

MUSKRAT RAMBLINGS, Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Muskrat Ramblings Oh, THERE you are, Perry! posted by John Like Munchkin? Like “Phineas and Ferb“? So do I. Hard. Here’s a little bit of funsies I came up with, while drawing Munchkin Conan: (Click the image above for a larger version. WHY YOU WOULD WANT THIS, I DO NOT KNOW. But I’m easy, that […]

MUSKRAT RAMBLINGS – Munchkin Memories Contest

Muskrat Ramblings Munchkin Memories Madness Contest posted by MONICA Monica here. Patching in from Muskrat Central to tell you that– What’s that Cartoon Boy? Yes, I will tell them about… Yes, I know you wanted to blog today, but… No, it will be all right. Your readers will understand. Seriously!! Draw another comic or something. […]


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