Help keep DORK TOWER going! Join our Patreon community, and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY!!
Want this or any DORK TOWER strip as a signed, hight-quality print? Now available! LOOKIE HERE!
Help keep DORK TOWER going! Join our Patreon community, and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY!!
Want this or any DORK TOWER strip as a signed, hight-quality print? Now available! LOOKIE HERE!
HEY! Want this (or any) DORK TOWER strip as a signed, hight-quality print? Yeah, you do! YOU’RE JUST ONE CLICK AWAY!
DORK TOWER is updated three times a week, thanks to its generous PATREON supporters! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help!
Here’s where things are at: The last four pages should go to the proofreaders today. I need to finish the afterward today or tomorrow, as well as the “Thank You” page. I need to finish coloring he Sistine Pages in the next few days. Then the PDFs go off to the Kickstarter backers, and Matt- […]
Hello there! Welcome to what I hope will be a sort of TAO OF IGOR Countdown Journal, as I finish off the last bits and pieces (most small – one large) of the new collection. Obviously, completing THE TAO OF IGOR’s taken far longer than I could have ever imagined. TLDR: because I didn’t get […]
HEY THERE! Dork Tower has a Patreon campaign, with amazing backers who help these webstrips happen. We’re trying to reach three new comics every week! Please check it out, and help us hit that goal, if you can!
The Dork Tower Patreon’s goal is THREE new strips every week: Thanks to our amazing patrons, we’re getting close! Help us reach that milestone: JOIN THE FUN (also see the comics early, get bonus content and swag, plus a lot, lot more) for as little as $1 a month ($.12 a comic!)
– John
We’re close to getting THREE new Dork Tower comic strips every week, again, thanks to our wonderful Patreon patrons! Help us reach that goal: JOIN THE FUN (also see the comics early, plus a lot, lot more) for as little as $1 a month ($.12 a comic!)
<Radio Silence off> Hi, gang! I just finished a really cool, massive deadline, and I’m coming up for air. There’s also a new strip up. There should have been a lot of new strips up, last month. That didn’t happen. I’m better with other people’s deadlines than I am with my own. I’m trying to […]
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