This or any DORK TOWER strip is now available as a signed, high-quality print! JUST CLICK HERE!
Help keep DORK TOWER going – join the DORK TOWER Patreon and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY! (We have cookies!)
This or any DORK TOWER strip is now available as a signed, high-quality print! JUST CLICK HERE!
Help keep DORK TOWER going – join the DORK TOWER Patreon and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY! (We have cookies!)
DORK TOWER is add-free, thanks to its supporters on Patreon! The comic updates Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, thanks to them. The next goal is four strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help!
LOOKING FOR MORE DORK TOWER? Support the Dork Tower Patreon campaign! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, thanks its generous Patreon supporters. The next goal is four strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help!
Help an indy comic strip out! Join the DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays thanks its Patreon Supporters – Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today!
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