Thanks to the amazing Chris Eliopoulos for another wonderful guest week. My recovery from surgery is going well, but this was a huge (and hilarious) help!

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A Cemetery in the Middle of Nowhere

It was a hot, sunny Sunday in Pierce County, Wisconsin – one of those places outsiders might think of as “the Middle of Nowhere,” but others call “home.” The unseasonable warmth made for a delightful kind of early summer day to bring flowers to the graves of relatives, if that’s your sort of thing. Judith and her sister are the sorts […]

The Force Is Strong in this Trailer

This week, I’m running some new strips that should have run a couple of weeks ago. But didn’t. Because Gallbladder. They were all drawn (but not yet scanned in) and everything, and then…BLAM! As a reader noted on my Twitter feed, the Gallbladder is the worst Batman Golden Age villain. Anyway, instead of forgetting about these […]


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