HEY THERE! Dork Tower has a Patreon campaign going, with amazing backers who help the webstrips happen. And there’s bonus comics, bonus content, and swag! Sweet, sweet swag! Check it out, why don’t you? Join the fun! FUN!
Huge thanks to my pal Charlie Bates for a tremendous guest week, as I work on the Tao of Igor Kickstarter (wait – WHAT?)! Check out his fantastic comics at DevilBear.net, and follow him on Twitter at @Batesian!
Hey! Dork Tower has a Patreon, that makes all this happen! Check it out, why don’t you?
The Dork Tower Patreon goal of THREE new strips every week is within reach, thanks to our amazing patrons! Help us reach that goal: JOIN THE FUN (also see the comics early, get bonus content and swag, plus a lot, lot more) for as little as $1 a month ($.12 a comic!)
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