The Path to a Munchkin Pathfinder Cover

I should be in Hannover, right now, getting ready for the big 20th anniversary party of Hannover Spielt. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. Most of yesterday afternoon was spent at Dane County Regional Airport, watching the weather reports from Minneapolis and Detroit. It made for fine television, really. Much better than watching cable news […]

Publishing Your Game – A Primer in 17 Simple Tweets

  Late this past August, I was hit with the kind of enquiry most professionals, I believe, dread. Here it is. In full. First off, thank you for taking the time to read this. So, I have an idea for a table top game and am clueless on how to proceed with it. I was […]

The Munchkin Cavalry is coming!

If you pop over to the Steve Jackson Games site, you’ll notice there is another big Munchkin release this month: The Good, The Bad and the Munchkin 2: Beating a Dead Horse. “What’s this?” you ask. To quote Steve Jackson Games: “A Horse Is A Horse . . . A corpse, of course! The rowdiest […]

MUSKRAT RAMBLINGS – Munchkin Memories Contest

Muskrat Ramblings Munchkin Memories Madness Contest posted by MONICA Monica here. Patching in from Muskrat Central to tell you that– What’s that Cartoon Boy? Yes, I will tell them about… Yes, I know you wanted to blog today, but… No, it will be all right. Your readers will understand. Seriously!! Draw another comic or something. […]


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