Dork Tower is made possible by its amazing Patreon backers. There’s bonus content, swag, and more! The goal for 2019 is to reach three comics up a week, and we’re SO CLOSE! JOIN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS and help!
Dork Tower is made possible by its amazing Patreon backers. There’s bonus content, swag, and more! The goal for 2019 is to reach three comics up a week, and we’re SO CLOSE! JOIN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS and help!
HEY THERE! Dork Tower has a Patreon campaign going, with amazing backers who help there here webstrips happen. And there’s bonus comics, bonus content, and swag! Sweet, sweet SWAG! We’re trying to reach the three comics a week tier! Check it out, why don’t you?
Hi there! It’s been, what (Takes out pocket watch. Glances at it.) four months since I’ve posted any updates here? OOPS! Oh, ha. What an absent-minded silly I can be. (Puts watch away. Gets ready to bolt.) Eeeek. Um, errrr…what can I say? It’s been a busy time, and I’m sorry things have slipped a bit, on […]
DORK ADDENDA – The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock may be my favorite poem. Go read and enjoy!
“John,” you say, looking at your watch awkwardly when you should be looking at me, “What are you most eagerly anticipating, at Gen Con this year?” I’m glad you asked! I’ll be part of an amazing event, run by my great friend, Will Hindmarch, and chock-full of people I love and admire: “Who The #@%! Is My D&D Character?!“: Watch (& […]
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